AJ King

AJ King

Senior User Experience Researcher

Ocado Technology

Ocado Technology

AJ is a UX Researcher at Ocado Technology who loves a good challenge especially when it comes to research. His UX research journey has taken him from trying to run a diary study about grocery shopping just as Covid lockdowns started across the world, through researching development tooling with no UI at all, to now, where he has the exciting opportunity to research the usability of hardware that doesn't exist yet. Still, it means there's never a dull day and as long as at the end of it there's good quality data that helps us be confident we're building an awesome product then he's happy.

Past Talks


12 October 2023

Continuous Discovery
Discovery Stage

Having more work than available people is a common problem in all companies. Democratising research is a way of helping product teams to do their own research so that research teams can help improve the overall quantity of research being performed. But it is not a free lunch - there are problems with democratising research as well. This debate will decide how teams should approach this subject going forward.

Moderated by Emma Roberts

Emma Andrews
Emma Andrews

Senior Sales Engineer


Mike Brown
Mike Brown

Head of Design

Reed UK

Reed UK
AJ King
AJ King

Senior User Experience Researcher

Ocado Technology

Ocado Technology

13 October 2022

Continuous Discovery
Main Stage

Valuable data is being collected every day by team members across the organisation. However data is only as good as how easy it is to consume. In this panel we will discuss the ways that teams are managing the storage of research data, how it is synthesised, how it is distributed so everyone can access and how data privacy concerns are addressed.

Monique Marins
Monique Marins

Sr. Data Scientist


Romina Chitic
Romina Chitic

Product Designer

SMG Swiss Marketplace Group

SMG Swiss Marketplace Group
AJ King
AJ King

Senior User Experience Researcher

Ocado Technology

Ocado Technology
Ashley May
Ashley May

Lead UX Designer



10 October 2022

Continuous Discovery

In UX we always say, if only we were involved earlier in the process, but what happens when you get your wish and you end having to research a physical product that doesn't exist yet.

In this case study talk about grocery delivery by an autonomous vehicle AJ King will explore:

1. How to usability test with no product
2. How to use research to achieve Agile hardware development
3. How to marry up hardware needs and customer expectations
4. How to get everyone thinking about the customer as early as possible.

AJ King
AJ King

Senior User Experience Researcher

Ocado Technology

Ocado Technology